Monday, 7 October 2013

Loooong Time No Seeee !! ^_^

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah..

Hi everyone !!
It was a veryyyyyy loooooong time no seeee !!

its been nearly a year I've been  a class teacher to my beloved P1..

Every day we've spent our days with laughter and joyce !!
It was a veryyyyyyyyy happy days !!

and will always love my kids forever and ever !! <3

Raya Day !!

Raya day !!

Kids with their octopus !!

Octopus a.k.a new design cap !!

Till meet again !!
Papai.. ^_^

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Second Monthly Assessment..

Hi my dear lil kidzz.. =)
Time flies so fast isn't it?
So now we're reaching the end of April..
And definitely we're our Second Monthly Assessment as well.. >_<

So how's your preparation?
I hope that all of you starts doing your revision by now before its too late, ok??
So, today once again I want to remind you the dates and time of assessment, and the topics that are covered for your upcoming assessment next week..

Wednesday (24 April 2013)
12.00 - 1.00 p.m
Chapter 3 : World of The Material
Chapter 4 : The Circle of Life

Wednesday (24 April 2013)
9.00 - 10.00 a.m
 Chapter 1 : Matter (I-Science)
Chapter 2 : Water (I-Science)
Chapter 3 :  Living Things Need Air (I-Science)

Tuesday (23 April 2013)
9.00 - 10.00 a.m
 Chapter 2 : Cell (I-Science)
Chapter 3 : Reproduction in Animals (I-Science)
Chapter 4 : Reproduction in Plants  (I-Science)

Wednesday (24 April 2013)
8.00 - 9.00 a.m
 Chapter 4 : Food Preservations (I-Science)
Chapter 5 : Waste Management (I-Science)
Chapter 4 : Environment (I-Science)
 Chapter 5 : The Web of Life (I-Science)

Ok..please do your revision and study smart, ok ??
All the best !!

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

First School Trip.. ^_^

Hi everyone !!
So how are you today??
Still tired because of yesterday's trip ??
I'm sure that all of you had so much fun at the Ostrich Wonderland and 
the Soapz factory, right??

You got to see the ostrich, goats, rabbits, peacock, donkey and so many animals that u're usually cannot see them at anywhere.. hows lucky!!

And u're also had a beautiful experience made your own-design soap!!
Wooaaahhh you might open your own soap factory one dayy !!

Lets treasure our yesterday memories.. ^_^

My group students seems very excited for our first trip!!

They touched the goat for a very first timee !!

Proved !! The ostrich eggs can endure the humans weight!!

Ostrich ride !! ^___^
Our memories... =)

Horse ride !! My lil girlz and boyz did it !! ^_^

We had our buffet lunch at the hotel... ^_^

My dear girlz and boyz.. ^_^

We're at the Soapz Factory !!

Students experienced design their own cupcake soap !!

Done !!

Yeayyyy !! It such a memorable trip !!
Congrates everyone !!

For successfully making your trip filled with useful experience with your friends and teachers!!

Papai !! ^_^

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Its A Month Ago.. But Still.. Congratulations To The Champion !! ^_^

Hi everyone !!!
Its a very looooonnggg time no see you here.. >_<

My last entry was before the sports day, right??
Even its already a month ago...
I still want to congratulate the winners..
Yeayyyy.. Alhamdulillah we did it !! ^___^

The cheetavengerz steps.. left right left..

Yeayyy we won !!

Alhamdulillah..its the best memory ever !!

Teacher Iza and Teacher Wani with the winners..

The Best Captain.. Mahanie and The Cute Mascot..Munierah

Thanks for all the participants..
And congrates to all the students, teachers and staffs who manage to run a very smooth and happening event..
Lets enjoy the day, and have the best teamwork ever!!

Its not about who's the winner and who's the loser..
Its about we enjoy the time we spent together and shared the happiness forever.. 

Till meet again..Bye !! ^_^

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Fun Experiment with P6 : Microorganisms Cause Food to Get Spoilt

Hi everyone !!

Its about Science experiment again..
We did this experiment before with P3 and P5,
but now it P6's time !!

Since we learned about how to preserve food..
so before that we need to know what cause the food to get spoilt..

So each students brought a slice of bread and a transparent plastic bag..
The girls group just put the bread into the plastic bag, 
while the boys group sprinkled the bread with drops of water before they put them into the plastic bag..

The boys group sprinkled the bread with drops of water

The bread were put into the plastic bag and left for a week

 So, the picture below shows the condition of the bread of Day 1 of the experiment.

The fresh and edible bread

and the picture below shows the condition of the bread after a week of experiment.

The boys group's bread turns to a very bad mouldy bread

The girls group's bread turns to a slightly bad mouldy bread

So, from the observation here,
we can CONCLUDE that the microorganisms spoilt food very best in a moist/damp condition, 
and in a warm surrounding.

Students with their results.. errghhh... >_<

 Hopes that the experiments help you for a better understanding, ok??
Insyaa Allah we'll do more experiments later..

Papaiii .. ^____^

We DID it !!!

Hi everyone !!
Hiiihiii.. ^_^

I just stop by here to post a few pictures of my excellent students who achieve an A in Science 
in their First Monthly Assessment !! Yeayyyy...well done !!
Alhamdulillah and congratulations my dear kidzz !!
You did it !!

P3 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

P4 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

P5 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

P6 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

Teacher felt so grateful and very proud of you.. ^___^
And those who not get an A for Science, its okay dear... 
Your result is not that bad.. 
and with more and more efforts, 
you too will make it and can step further together with your friend..

I hope all of you can work together, help each other and can study together so that those who well-understand about the lessons, can explain and share your knowledge together..
Okay ??? 

As I always told you..
Lets study together, struggle together, and achieve our dreams together !!!
Insyaa Allah.. ^__^

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Congrates.. and Keep It Up !! ^_^

Hi my kidzz...
Long time no see !! Hiihiii.. ^_^
So how are you ??
Hope that all of you're in the PINK of health.. =)

So the assessment is over !! Yeayyyyy...
But hows the result ???
Dup dup...dup dup..hihiii....
Honestly I'm proud of some of you who manage to score 100 % in Science !!
And who manage to get an A as well, congrats and well done dear !! Yippiiiee !!
Its really a good start everyone !!

To those who might not achieve very well, don't be discourage, ya !!
You still have so much time to improve your grade and work on it !!
Remember, study hard and smart is the important key for you to be success !! 

Never give up, and try harder !! 
Keep trying, keep struggling, keep reaching and keep dreaming..
No matter what you're going through, just don't give up..
Insyaa Allah.. ^_^

Have a Pleasant Day, Everyone... Papaii.... ^___________^

Monday, 25 February 2013

For a Better Understanding.. 0.o

Hi kidzz..
Here's are few videos that I found quite interesting 
and might help you for a better understanding about the lessons we've learned.....

For my P3 students..

This first video is about Living Things and Non-Living Things Around Us..

This second video is about Animal Classes.. Check it out !!

For my P4 students..

This video is about Humans and Animals Basic Needs.. enjoy it !!

For my P5 students..

This video is about the phases of Moon.. Please take a look at this, ya??

For my P6 students..

Check out this interesting video about Food Preservation !!

I hope these videos may help you for a better understanding..
Good Luck !!

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Good Luck !! ^_^

Hi my lil girlz and boyz !!
It's Monday again, 
and its our First Monthly Assessment Week !!

Its time for the teachers to test hows your understanding about the lessons that we learned so far, right??
So pleaseee... prepare yourselves and make the teachers proud of you, ok?
Insyaa Allah.. =)

By the way, I just drop by here to wish you all
for the assessment !!

Do your best, and let Allah take care of the rest !!

Monday, 18 February 2013

First Monthly Assessment..

Hi my lil' girlz and boyz..

Our Fisrt Monthly Assessment is just around the corner, right ??
Have you make your preparation and revision yet ??
If not, you should start by now, ok.. don't make it last minute.. >_<
As I already told you, here I would like to remind you again our chapter that covered and the date of the assessment..

For my P3,
your assessment will be on Wednesday (27 Feb. 2013)..
The topics that you need to study are :
Topic 1 : Living and Non Living Things
Topic 2 : Different Types of Living Things

For my P4,
your assessment will be on Wednesday (27 Feb. 2013)..
The topics that you need to study are :
Topic 1 : Basic Needs
Topic 2 :  Life Processes
Topic 3 : Protection

For my P5,
your assessment will be on Tuesday (26 Feb. 2013)..
The topics that you need to study are :
Topic 1 : Microorganism (KBSR)
Topic 2 : Survival of The Species (KBSR)
Topic 3 : Food Chains and Food Webs (KBSR)
Topic 1 : The Solar System (I-Science)
Topic 2 : Cells  (I-Science)

For my P6,
your assessment will be on Wednesday (27 Feb. 2013)..
The topics that you need to study are :
 Topic 1 : Interaction Among Living Things (KBSR)
 Topic 2 : Forces (KBSR)
Topic 3 : Speed (KBSR)
Topic 1 : Classifying Things (I-Science)
Topic 2 : Energy  (I-Science)
Topic 3 : Cells  (I-Science)

Thats all for today !!
Remember..if you have any questions about things that you still not understand,
need a further explanation, need a detail description,
please don't hesitate to see me, ya !! 
Its not too late..please and please come to me anytime you need me.. 
Ok my dearss ??

So once again.. please study and do revision by now, ya..
Don't be like this, pleaseeeee... >_<

Ok, i'll see u again tomorrow.. papai..


Sunday, 17 February 2013

P5 and P6 Extra Class (16 Feb. 2013)

Hi everyone !! 
It's Monday again..
Lets start our day with  a smile and be grateful that we're still here today.. ^_^

I just wanna share our fun extra class for last Saturday (16/2/2013)..
First and foremost, I would like to thank to all my beloved P5 and P6 students who attended to the extra class.. 
As a teacher, I really appreciate that you sacrifice your 4-hour-weekend time, just to attend the class to do revision with your friends and teacher as well..
I hope its benefit you, and may Allah bless you well in this coming assessment next week.. =)

So, we did our revision as a preparation on topics that will come out in the assessment..
Alhamdulillah, some of students were well prepared and already mastered the topics, while few of them need to revise and memorize more about the important matters regarding the topics.. 
For those who still not understand very well for certain subtopics, you should do more exercises, and please find teacher if you need me to explain it personally..
I always welcome you anytime you need me.. OK ?? ^__^

Here's our fun time while doing the revision..

Amirul, Maisarah, Harraz, Batrisyia and Irfan

Discussed and teacher explained the correct answer

Khairul and Amir revised together

Umar, Ilham and Amirul also worked on the answer together

The Quadruplets : Mahanie, Farisyah, Aishah and Syarifah

So did the Duo : Zaim Akhtar and Zaimuddin

"Lets Learn Together, Struggle Together and Success Together"

Friday, 15 February 2013

Yeaayyy It's Fridayyy !! and Homeworkkk !! (Gulpp)

Yeaaayyy Its FRIDAYYYY !!

You happy ?? Me toooooooooo... Hihiii..
Its time for us to chill out and relax, ease our mind and body.. ^_^
but still, you shouldn't forget that you're a student, so you need to always do smarts revision on your studying..
Furthermore, our First Monthly Assessment is just around the corner.. 0.o

So in case you forgot, here I'll remind you bout your homework, ya.. >_<
P3, your homework is to memorize the examples of mammals and birds..
P4, your homework is in your Kendiri Science Workbook (page 24 - 30)
P5, your homework is to memorize the sequences of food chain..and
P6, your homework is to complete Modul Topikal Science (page 20-24)
Its not that much, right ?? In just 30 minutes you can finish them right away.. ^_^

Oki..thats all before we meet again next Monday.. papai !!!

See ya !! ^_____^

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

My Beloved P3 and Our Fun Experiment !!

Hi everyone !! How are you today ?? 
Welcome back to school after several holidays and relax time.. Hihiii..

So here I just want to share our experiment with P3 students which done about last two weeks ago..
The purpose of this experiment is to see the microorganisms grow..
For this experiment, we used a slice of bread, sprinkled it with few drops of water and sealed it into a transparent plastic bag..

Science is the BEST !! ^_^

Our sample condition on the day of experiment

RESULT (after 3 days left in Science Lab)

As we can see, few spots of mould can be seen on the bread..

RESULT (after 5 days left in Science lab)

Eeuuwwww !!! There were so many big black
and whitish spots of mould on the bread !!

So, our CONCLUSION is..microorganisms do GROW, even they are very tiny living things !!

And here are few pictures of us having fun while learning Science in class..
Students were colouring and classifying the living things into animals, plants and fungi.. ^_^

Kimie, Qaid, Aziz, Ajmain, Khaleeda

Ayeeman with his green (?) cat..

Teacher Iza with Hamna, Khaleeda, Munierah,
Sofea, Kimie and half(?)Aziz

 That's all for today.. next entries will be with my beloved kids from other classes, ya..
Be patient and wait for me.. ^______^
Papai !!