Friday, 15 February 2013

Yeaayyy It's Fridayyy !! and Homeworkkk !! (Gulpp)

Yeaaayyy Its FRIDAYYYY !!

You happy ?? Me toooooooooo... Hihiii..
Its time for us to chill out and relax, ease our mind and body.. ^_^
but still, you shouldn't forget that you're a student, so you need to always do smarts revision on your studying..
Furthermore, our First Monthly Assessment is just around the corner.. 0.o

So in case you forgot, here I'll remind you bout your homework, ya.. >_<
P3, your homework is to memorize the examples of mammals and birds..
P4, your homework is in your Kendiri Science Workbook (page 24 - 30)
P5, your homework is to memorize the sequences of food chain..and
P6, your homework is to complete Modul Topikal Science (page 20-24)
Its not that much, right ?? In just 30 minutes you can finish them right away.. ^_^

Oki..thats all before we meet again next Monday.. papai !!!

See ya !! ^_____^

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