Hi everyone !!
It's Monday again..
Lets start our day with a smile and be grateful that we're still here today.. ^_^
I just wanna share our fun extra class for last Saturday (16/2/2013)..
First and foremost, I would like to thank to all my beloved P5 and P6 students who attended to the extra class..
a teacher, I really appreciate that you sacrifice your 4-hour-weekend
time, just to attend the class to do revision with your friends and
teacher as well..
I hope its benefit you, and may Allah bless you well in this coming assessment next week.. =)
So, we did our revision as a preparation on topics that will come out in the assessment..
some of students were well prepared and already mastered the topics,
while few of them need to revise and memorize more about the important
matters regarding the topics..
those who still not understand very well for certain subtopics, you
should do more exercises, and please find teacher if you need me to
explain it personally..
I always welcome you anytime you need me.. OK ?? ^__^
Here's our fun time while doing the revision..
Amirul, Maisarah, Harraz, Batrisyia and Irfan |
Discussed and teacher explained the correct answer |
Khairul and Amir revised together |
Umar, Ilham and Amirul also worked on the answer together |
The Quadruplets : Mahanie, Farisyah, Aishah and Syarifah |
So did the Duo : Zaim Akhtar and Zaimuddin |
"Lets Learn Together, Struggle Together and Success Together"
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