Hi everyone !! How are you today ??
Welcome back to school after several holidays and relax time.. Hihiii..
So here I just want to share our experiment with P3 students which done about last two weeks ago..
The purpose of this experiment is to see the microorganisms grow..
For this experiment, we used a slice of bread, sprinkled it with few drops of water and sealed it into a transparent plastic bag..
Science is the BEST !! ^_^ |
Our sample condition on the day of experiment |
RESULT (after 3 days left in Science Lab)
As we can see, few spots of mould can be seen on the bread.. |
RESULT (after 5 days left in Science lab)
Eeuuwwww !!! There were so many big black and whitish spots of mould on the bread !! |
So, our CONCLUSION is..microorganisms do GROW, even they are very tiny living things !!
And here are few pictures of us having fun while learning Science in class..
Students were colouring and classifying the living things into animals, plants and fungi.. ^_^
Kimie, Qaid, Aziz, Ajmain, Khaleeda |
Ayeeman with his green (?) cat.. |
Teacher Iza with Hamna, Khaleeda, Munierah, Sofea, Kimie and half(?)Aziz |
That's all for today.. next entries will be with my beloved kids from other classes, ya..
Be patient and wait for me.. ^______^
Papai !!
teacher bukan green lah tapi golden cat lah