Thursday, 11 April 2013

Its A Month Ago.. But Still.. Congratulations To The Champion !! ^_^

Hi everyone !!!
Its a very looooonnggg time no see you here.. >_<

My last entry was before the sports day, right??
Even its already a month ago...
I still want to congratulate the winners..
Yeayyyy.. Alhamdulillah we did it !! ^___^

The cheetavengerz steps.. left right left..

Yeayyy we won !!

Alhamdulillah..its the best memory ever !!

Teacher Iza and Teacher Wani with the winners..

The Best Captain.. Mahanie and The Cute Mascot..Munierah

Thanks for all the participants..
And congrates to all the students, teachers and staffs who manage to run a very smooth and happening event..
Lets enjoy the day, and have the best teamwork ever!!

Its not about who's the winner and who's the loser..
Its about we enjoy the time we spent together and shared the happiness forever.. 

Till meet again..Bye !! ^_^

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