Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Fun Experiment with P6 : Microorganisms Cause Food to Get Spoilt

Hi everyone !!

Its about Science experiment again..
We did this experiment before with P3 and P5,
but now it P6's time !!

Since we learned about how to preserve food..
so before that we need to know what cause the food to get spoilt..

So each students brought a slice of bread and a transparent plastic bag..
The girls group just put the bread into the plastic bag, 
while the boys group sprinkled the bread with drops of water before they put them into the plastic bag..

The boys group sprinkled the bread with drops of water

The bread were put into the plastic bag and left for a week

 So, the picture below shows the condition of the bread of Day 1 of the experiment.

The fresh and edible bread

and the picture below shows the condition of the bread after a week of experiment.

The boys group's bread turns to a very bad mouldy bread

The girls group's bread turns to a slightly bad mouldy bread

So, from the observation here,
we can CONCLUDE that the microorganisms spoilt food very best in a moist/damp condition, 
and in a warm surrounding.

Students with their results.. errghhh... >_<

 Hopes that the experiments help you for a better understanding, ok??
Insyaa Allah we'll do more experiments later..

Papaiii .. ^____^

We DID it !!!

Hi everyone !!
Hiiihiii.. ^_^

I just stop by here to post a few pictures of my excellent students who achieve an A in Science 
in their First Monthly Assessment !! Yeayyyy...well done !!
Alhamdulillah and congratulations my dear kidzz !!
You did it !!

P3 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

P4 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

P5 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

P6 students who manage to achieve an A in Science

Teacher felt so grateful and very proud of you.. ^___^
And those who not get an A for Science, its okay dear... 
Your result is not that bad.. 
and with more and more efforts, 
you too will make it and can step further together with your friend..

I hope all of you can work together, help each other and can study together so that those who well-understand about the lessons, can explain and share your knowledge together..
Okay ??? 

As I always told you..
Lets study together, struggle together, and achieve our dreams together !!!
Insyaa Allah.. ^__^

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Congrates.. and Keep It Up !! ^_^

Hi my kidzz...
Long time no see !! Hiihiii.. ^_^
So how are you ??
Hope that all of you're in the PINK of health.. =)

So the assessment is over !! Yeayyyyy...
But hows the result ???
Dup dup...dup dup..hihiii....
Honestly I'm proud of some of you who manage to score 100 % in Science !!
And who manage to get an A as well, congrats and well done dear !! Yippiiiee !!
Its really a good start everyone !!

To those who might not achieve very well, don't be discourage, ya !!
You still have so much time to improve your grade and work on it !!
Remember, study hard and smart is the important key for you to be success !! 

Never give up, and try harder !! 
Keep trying, keep struggling, keep reaching and keep dreaming..
No matter what you're going through, just don't give up..
Insyaa Allah.. ^_^

Have a Pleasant Day, Everyone... Papaii.... ^___________^